Commercial Works 

Ongoing Project


Shaping the future of collegiate sports by connecting student athletes with mentorship and career opportunities.

Telosys Group
Ongoing Project

Telosys Group

Assisting in the development of a full-stack MERN web application that promotes socially responsible consumerism.

Personal Projects 

Employee Pulse
Featured Project

Employee Pulse

An Employee Poll app using React, Redux, and React Router. Users can log in as one of the created users and either create new questions or answer questions from other users. The app keeps track of the users' answered and unanswered questions and displays them on separate pages. The user can also see the leaderboard which ranks the users based on the sum of the questions they asked and answered. Testing is implemented using the Jest library



A full-stack MERN app that lets users log their workouts and track their progress. The app uses React, Redux, and React Router on the front-end and Node, Express, and MongoDB on the back-end.

Backend API


A backend image resizing API built with Node, Express, and Typescript. The API uses the Sharp library to resize images. Users can resize images through the address bar on the browser.